Where can we find the rays of light amidst the shadows? Here's Rev Justin Montague with our latest blog post.

What a gloriously sunny bank holiday! At beaches, parks, tourist sights and garden spaces across our town and county, so many of us were venturing out for perhaps the first time this year, to make the most out of the hot weather.
With the recent unseasonably rain-filled May, a constant bombardment on social media feeds, television reports and newspaper headlines of a dark Covid-19 cloud and a whirlwind of socio-cultural issues rising to the surface, it is also important to look out for and find those rays of light and glimmers of hope breaking through the darkness.
We start our new sermon series this Sunday, for four weeks exploring the Old Testament book of Ruth, which itself was set amidst a tumultuous time of social and moral unrest and uncertainty. But the author turns our gaze not to a God-ordained national hero who might step in to restore the nation from the crisis they are in, to instead zoom in on a woman called Naomi and her daughter-in-law Ruth. For the recently widowed Naomi and Ruth, their personal situation matters as much to God as does the events of their nation. In this powerful story, we get a glimpse of how God is intimately involved and still working in the lives of ordinary people in extraordinary ways, as they go about their daily lives.
Since last March, there have been such rays of light and stories of hope during the darkness of Covid-19. Across our church and community, so many of you have been willing to step out and support others and share the love of Christ in their time of need. The Buddy System and the outreach ministry of ‘Lunch’ and ‘Breakfast-On-The-Go’, have both served and connected with our community, and created new relationships and friendships. People young and old have come to know Jesus, there have been extraordinary answers to personal prayer and many have connected with worship for the first time or on a more regular basis.
The story of Ruth calls us to hold on, to not lose heart, to be encouraged, for there are rays of light even in the darkest places. It does not take much in the way of financial hardship, family pressures, bad news or health concerns, to feel as if the storm is closing in and we cannot see a way through. But in the wonder and mystery of His providence, God shines the light of His love and weaves and works his eternal purposes, even in the most difficult and the everyday moments of life, through the faithful work and prayers of His people – ordinary people – like you and I.
Grace and peace,
#findthelight #shinethelight #lightinthedarkness #hope #grace #peace #mercy #God #Jesus #bankholiday #sunshine #rayoflight #blog #community #answerstoprayer #ruth #bookofruth #bible #oldtestament #stgeorgeandstpaultiverton #sermonseries
This Sunday!
Join us in person or online at our 9&11m services, as we begin a new sermon series based on the Old Testament's Book of Ruth.
For more details, head to www.tivertonchurch.org/church-services