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  • Writer's pictureDebbie Martin

Beacons of Light

How can we be beacons of light in dark times? Here's our latest blog post from Debbie Martin, Children & Families Minister at St George & St Paul, Tiverton.

While chatting to a solicitor friend, he told me at the end of a recent civil trial, the claimant, who he was advocating for, thanked him for being a 'beacon of light,' throughout the trial. Encouraging and inspiring. I felt led to write my last blog of 2023 on this theme. It made me think about the impact we all have on each other. Court processes often progress on points of principal, rather than, dare I say it, common sense.

When two parties come together before a Judge, no matter how prepared you may be, the process can be daunting, so to this person having a team of legal professionals presenting her case, made the process less so. I haven't really thought of any legal representatives as being beacons of light before, but in this situation and for this individual they were.

I started to think about how in certain situations each one of us can be a beacon of light to another. Following Jesus, our teacher and friend, gives us hope and light in our world.

'God is Light, and in Him there is no darkness at all.' – 1 John 1:5

A lighthouse shines its beacon of light and hope into the darkness of night. Lighthouses are located on coasts, rocky points, islands, inlets and harbours. This light ensures. ships are safely guided through the dark by their bright lights. The beacon warns of impending danger and lights a safe passage for ships, crew, passengers and cargo.

Lighthouses have long been symbols of hope, a light signal for shipping. The song 'My Lighthouse,' springs to mind.  However, a beacon of light can also mean something providing inspiration and encouragement.

'You are the light of the world… Let your light shine before others.' – Matthew 5:14, 16

Jesus is the True Light. His light dispels all darkness. Jesus says we are the light of the world because of His Light shining in us. He has chosen to reflect His light through us. If we live for Christ, we will shine out like lighthouses into the darkness. Lighthouses are built in rock for safety, Jesus is the rock on which we can build our lives. We need to take action, to be purposeful in spending time with Jesus, reading His word, praying and listening to how we are being guided, this will allow others to see Jesus' light in our lives.

Wherever His Light shines, there is hope. Through Him, we give light to those around us and that light may lead another person to know Jesus as their Saviour, and that is our great commission. Our actions and attitudes very often speak louder than words.

Jesus is our advocate, He is our beacon of light, we just need to let Him fill us, so that as we serve, we demonstrate the fruits of the spirit in our everyday living. Sounds so easy, but we know in life the ups and downs may cause our light to dim, yet we look to Jesus, the One True Light.

May each of us carry the light of the Christ-child, and be a beacon of Christ's light throughout Christmas and everyday.

May the joy of the Lord be with you all.


(Children & Families Minister)

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