It's lambing season in Devon, England and Sarah Rock-Evans, Ordinand at St George & St Paul, Tiverton, shares how the local sheep have inspired her prayer.

For the last few weeks I have been enjoying the company of some ewes and lambs in the field near our house. They are a noisy bunch! Their bleatings and baa-ings are fairly continuous through much of the day, and as I have listened they have challenged me to think about how I communicate with God.
These lambs have no hesitation in their urgent cries for safety, nourishment and warmth. “Heeelllpppp!” they cry “Emergenccccy, need milk!” (that’s my translation anyway!) and the deep reply of their Mum comes almost instantaneously “I’m here, come this way, you’re safe with me.”
So often when it comes to my own needs, I find myself trying to work things out in my head – also known as worrying. Thoughts whizz round and round or sit in a tangled knot. And then I am reminded of verses such as Romans 8:15 which says:
“The Spirit you received does not make you slaves, so that you live in fear again; rather, the Spirit you received brought about your adoption to sonship. And by him we cry, “Abba, Father.”
That word “Abba” is the Aramaic equivalent of “Daddy” or “Papa” in English. It implies intimacy, trust and dependency; this is the relationship Jesus invites us into, to lean on Him and bring our worries and needs to Him as children of God.
So when I listen to those lambs and their Mums, I am reminded to call out to Abba (or should I say A-baa?!) – not for Him to give me whatever I want but simply for me to know He is there, alongside me, providing for me, comforting me. My prayers are often very simple “Father God, I need to know you are with me…Lord thank you that you love me...Jesus I need to know you care.” And as I sense His presence with me I am comforted, reassured and strengthened. My prayer this week is that you too will turn your worries into simple prayers, that you will call on the Lord as your “Abba” and that you will know His presence with you.
With blessings,
Sarah Rock-Evans Ordinand