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Writer's pictureDebbie Martin

Graduating in God

Whether you are a lifelong Christian or just beginning your faith journey, there is still so much more to discover about our loving God. What will you learn about Him this week? Here's our latest blog post from Debbie, our Children & Families Minister.

In July my youngest son graduated from University. It was one of those special moments, when happy tears flowed in the shape of smiles. the graduates collected their robes and parents, carers, friends became paparazzi for the day.

Graduation, l learnt, is not about obtaining a degree, oh no, it is more about measuring your head and body for the robes and mortar. The hiring of the outfit is one thing, then there are the official photographs, and the smart clothes and shoes to wear underneath the gown. It is an expensive occasion!

We reflected on how some students may not have attended the graduation, due to the expense. They would have received their certificate in the post, as do all the other students, but they missed the ceremony, the celebration, and the clapping!

Is that important? Is the learning experience and the talent they bring to the world more important?

The graduation was in Bristol Cathedral. The Curate there, gave the opening speech and a little history of the Cathedral and the many different scholars who had passed through the Cathedral at the end of their learning journey. It was a stunning celebration.

I was thankful to God for giving my son the resilience and peace of mind to continue his studies as our family life changed, and the pandemic struck. Learning and lectures had to be flexible to accommodate distant learning.

My son funded himself through university. Yes, he got his loan, and a maintenance loan, but he also worked as a lifeguard throughout his study. He was able to transfer workplaces between Bristol and Exeter. A few of his fellow students did not understand why he had to work alongside his study.

Each of the students arrived at university with different expectations and different life experiences. It is expensive to learn, however, the experience shapes each student for the World and importantly, how they can change it for the better. Education whether it is academic or vocational, widens our thinking our experiences and helps us understand the fight scholars have taken on. For example, ensuring women have equal voices to men, and creating a fairer support financially so that rich or poor can access education or training to enhance their knowledge and experience.

It got me thinking, firstly being in my Father’s house, whether it is a Cathedral, a rural Church a house or even a tent, Jesus is still the same.

The pomp and grandeur are one thing, but in Jesus, we come just as we are, on our worst, best and the in-between days too. We continue a lifelong learning in Jesus. Letting Him shape us by His word, staying close to Him and talking through all our life issues, worries and joys with Him.

We need each other to encourage, share and learn about God. To build each other up, to serve each other. I believe one day when we rise in glory with our Lord, that will be our graduation. Our life on earth is our education in Jesus. We do not have to pay, dress up or be on our Sunday best behaviour, we just need to accept Jesus as our Saviour and let Him work on us from the inside out.

Let us get into shape with Jesus in all we do, think, and say as we go into this new week.

Every Blessing Debbie Children & Families Minister

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