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Writer's pictureRev. Andy Humm

Why Worship?

What’s your favourite or hymn or worship song? Here’s our latest blog post from our Vicar, Andy, with why worship is an essential part of Christian life.

Maybe you watched the jubilee service held at St Paul’s cathedral last week, it was a service to honour the faithfulness of 70 years from the Queen, but ultimately it was a service to thank God for His faithfulness.

One of the hymns sung started like this ‘Glorious things of thee are spoken’ it is a hymn of praise to God!

I am sure many of us have favourite hymns or songs. Songs that remind us of specific moments in our lives or songs that speak deeply into our soul and move us and remind us of God's work in our lives.

I believe that Worship is essential to a vibrant, thriving Christian life. In worship, much like thanksgiving, we are reminded of who our God is, and who we are. Worshipping Jesus grounds us in our identity because it reminds us whose we are, and all that he has done on our behalf.

The end of the first hymn from the jubilee service says ‘Grace, which like the Lord the giver, Never fails from age to age.’ In other words, Jesus offers and gives us all we need in this life and the next. He empowers us and equips us to live out the message of hope.

In his sermon the Archbishop of York had these words… “Faith in Jesus Christ is a fountain, and it is a well. It is the well from which we draw deeply and replenish ourselves through all the challenges, joys, and vicissitudes of life.

And it is a fountain, overflowing with immense joy. Joy, that we can live in the assurance that we are loved; joy, that God has a purpose for our lives; and, joy, that through Christ’s dying and rising we have the promise of life eternal.”

This week at 10:45 we have an opportunity for an extended time of worship and praise, and time to soak in the Spirit. We would love you to join us.

In worship we discover that Jesus is worthy of all our worship, and it’s my prayer today that you have a fresh encounter with him through worship, and that the Holy Spirit is poured out into your life to overflowing, so we can affect and make a difference in those around us, for Jesus’ sake.


Every Blessing

Andy, Vicar

Come to our service of extended worship this Sunday 12th June at 10:45, either in person at St Paul's, or take part online via our YouTube channel

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