Do you share any family traits with your Heavenly Father? Here's Rev. Andy Humm, Vicar at St George & St Paul, Tiverton, with our latest blog post.
During lockdown as a church we moved entirely online with services livestreamed from church and then from homes, we pivoted quickly to video and audio opportunities for worship, teaching and encouragement.
One of the things I felt moved to do, was affectionately called ‘Dog Walk Devotions’ it was a few minutes every few days during my daily allowed exercise period (do you remember that rule?) where whilst walking the dog I would give a short reflection on a piece of scripture or on a verse in the Bible that God seemed to be prompting me to that day.
I recorded nearly 40 devotions, that was almost three years ago!
This is what I said on the very first one…. ‘Yesterday I was talking to my own dad and saying that my hands had gotten a little bit dry and chapped after all the washing/hand sanitising that we were having to do because of the Coronavirus concerns. As we talked and as I looked down at my hand, I realised my hands looked like my dad's! There was sort of a sense of, oh, no, age comes to us all! However, as I reflected upon that, I thought, where in my life, do I look like my heavenly Father? Where am I displaying some of His characteristics of love, love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, gentleness, faithfulness and self control?
In this world where being a Christian is often seen as little more than weakness, where Christian politicians are called out as if their world view was not important, where the Bible is seen as little more than fables, or censored to fit in to todays culture, let's not give up but continue to desire the fruit of the Spirit in our lives
Where in your life are you beginning to look like someone? And I don't mean just like anyone, but where are you beginning to look like your heavenly Father?
In the midst of these trying times, when we're worried and nervous, perhaps about what the future holds, let's look to God and say, "how can I be more and more like Him?"
Click here to find Andy's Dog Walk Devotions on YouTube!