In response to the latest lockdown and in wanting to play our part in reducing infection and keeping people safe the PCC, wardens and vicar, Rev. Andy Humm, have agreed to cease in-person services from Sunday January 10th 2021.
This does not mean Church is closed for business! We are the church! Everyone of us who follows Jesus Christ. We are still to show our for love Him by loving our neighbour and serving where we can. If we are able let's check up on the vulnerable, telephone the lonely, worship as best we can in our homes as we recognise that even though we may not gather together the streamed services are a reminder and a encouragement to life and worship together.
All services will be live streamed from our homes, to yours! We do not know when this will end, but we will monitor the situation closely and open up again as soon as possible.
Whilst we wait, why not join us online from the comfort of your own home via our YouTube channel. every Sunday at 9 & 11am.